Saturday, April 18, 2009

Life is Good

I'm sure you've seen things with the logo 'Life is Good'. My neighbor has a tire cover on the back of her SUV. Shirts, hat and accessories are everywhere. I was even a little envious when my husband came home with a couple of t-shirts one. It took me a while to realize I could go out and get one myself. So now I have 2 - a long and a short sleeved :0). Can I tell you that they are my favorite, most comfortable shirts? I just feel happy when I wear them. Is that silly? I don't think so because life really is good.

People will call or in conversation ask 'what's new?' or 'how are things going?' Sometimes I almost feel bad when I have no tales of woe to share. I simply think things are good and there is nothing new to report. I just spent a week of vacation with the kids. Dave had the past 2 days off and they were just great. Couldn't have asked for nicer weather (thanks, God!). Quiet mornings with my husband, the Bible and a cup of coffee followed by the parade of children waking up needing a morning snuggle. We spent morning out bike riding and playing at the local lake. I loved sitting with my husband watching how each of our children have grown and accomplished things, like riding a bike. The pure happiness flowing from them as they raced around and then dug for clams and snails brought a smile to my face. That afternoon we spent hours outside just doing yard work. How blessed we are to have a home and the feeling of accomplishment just getting the house/yard in order was good. The kids running around, playing together completed the picture.

Today was a repeat of yesterday - more yard work and time out with the kids at the playground, alone time with my husband. All with the sun shining and an early spring "heat wave" (according to the BP). Do we have our moments that are not so blissful? Of course, we do but that is life as we know it. My family is precious to me. Being able to watch them each day and just enjoy what it has to offer is a joy.

There have been times that I would think 'what did I do to deserve this?' The answer is nothing. There is nothing I can do to deserve any of what I have. Life is good because I am the daughter of The King. My heavenly father wants to bless me simply because He loves me. So I will praise Him each day and live my GOOD life for His honor and glory.

Friday, April 10, 2009


With five kids running around the house, I feel like I understand what "childlike" means. I think of something a child might do or how a child would act. For some, the term has a negative connotation.

I just finished reading the sermon transcript from last Sunday entitled, "Listen to the Children". Jesus made his triumphant ride into Jerusalem and there were many different kinds of praising going on. The group that Jesus affirmed in the passage was the children. They came before him with humble praise. Nothing empty or self-serving, simply because they loved Jesus. As a parent, I want nothing more "than to see my children walk in the truth", and to make sure they get it. I realize that, more often than not, they get it better than I do.

When Colin recently accepted Jesus as his savior he was so happy. We were driving home from the store and he informed that when he got home he was going to make a card for God that said "I love you". I chuckled at first thinking 'go ahead, buddy, but you can't really give it to Him'. How foolish I was to think that that CHILDLIKE idea wouldn't be seen by our great God. That's what He wants from us, isn't it? - adoration straight from our hearts.

This week Erin watched me put out the Easter decorations. Now, I don't get crazy with the commercialism of the Easter Bunny and stuff like that, but we do have a lot "egg" things that get put out. She informed me that she was going to draw some decorations to hang up. I have no problem with this as our home is covered with different pieces of artwork (and she is actually VERY good). So you know what now graces the wall by the back door? Not a picture of an egg or a bunny. No, we have Jesus hanging on the cross, blood spilling from his hands and side with the Roman soldiers standing watch. Talk about reminding us all what the day is about (I know the empty tomb is the final picture but you get the point). Won't this make for interesting conversation when our relatives who don't know Jesus come for dinner on Sunday. But Jesus is often the subject of her drawings. It amazes me that even though she is bombarded with pop-culture of today's "tweens" she is grounded enough to come back to what she believes. THANK YOU, LORD!! This is the same child who wants to bring her Bible to school for reading time and asks why I hesitated to let her. I am so concerned about what others will think of her or her being reprimanded for it that I start squashing that CHILDLIKE faith. Forgive me, Lord, for not stepping back and just allowing them to simply live for you.

Yesterday, Meredith was looking the above mentioned drawing and said, "look, Jesus died on the cross!" So, I figured we'd do all of the Sunday School kind of questions. And then what happened, Mere? Did he stay there? "No, he was alive again and then he could take my sins!" WOW!! Do you really understand it, little one? It is so simple and CHILDLIKE to you. Why do we make it so much harder?

Is being CHILDLIKE bad? I don't think so. In fact, I want to be CHILDLIKE, just like my kids are. Instead of telling them to listen to me, perhaps I need to be listening to them.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


I finally got to see this fantastic movie on Friday evening. I had heard so much about it and was eagerly awaiting this "date night" and was not disappointed. The film is about a couple whose marriage is in great danger of "burning to the ground". Neither party feels respected or appreciated and they are ready to walk away from it all. Hubby is given a challenge from his dad - The Love Dare. It's a 40 day challenge to really love your spouse. Needless to say, it was hard, his heart wasn't in it at first, God came into the picture and changed his heart and from then on the course of the marriage took a different turn.

While watching this movie, I was struck again with how blessed I am to have my husband. 14 years ago, by the grace and wonderful plan of my heavenly father, The Captain came into my life. I love looking back on that time and seeing how God wonderfully orchestrated our whole relationship. I knew on our first date that he was like no other guy I had met (I actually hadn't dated more than 3 people) and when he jokingly proposed that night I was ready to say yes, then and there. It didn't take long for the real thing to happen. How big of a goofball was I when, after only 6 weeks, he really did propose and I actually asked him if he was joking!!! So very glad he didn't recind the proposal LOL.

I am sure our marriage was like many others in the beginning. You learn to merge two individuals into one couple. Compromises on toothpaste and mayo come into play along with how you travel (what do you mean you don't want to drive through the night? That's just how you do it.) We had to overcome money issues and how we spent our social time. We dealt with the heartache of miscarriage and the wait for our family to begin. And once it began it was like a steamroller!! Most of my focus was on the kids because they had so many needs. I was scared that we would raise our children, they would leave home and we would have nothing left in common or to talk about. It happened to so many people that I knew. Would I still be the love of my husband's life or would the "bloom be off the rose"?

Here we now sit, 12.5 years into our marriage and I can't get over how AWESOME it is. We have grown in Christ both individually and together. We have a trust in Him and each other that is almost impossible to put into words. I've actually said to The Captain that I can't it just keeps getting better and better and more fun. He makes me laugh, feel cherished & loved. He is my best friend and the one I can't wait to see each day. I love him so much it hurts my heart to think of there ever being a time that he won't be by my side. I think I have to say that I really love laughing with him the most. All the initial inhibitions that you have as newlyweds have faded. We are comfortable - not like being in a rut - but that "I know I am safe and I trust you with my life" comfortable.

So now, instead of fear and insecurity about what the future holds for us, I look forward to it with joy. I can't wait to hang out on our porch swing and watch the world go by or go out to lunch together just because we are both home. The best will be when our kids all come home with their families and we are all together making new memories. We know that we need to continue to "fireproof" our marriage. Our home is built on Christ the Solid Rock and with Him as our foundation, nothing can move us.

My Passion

I've given this blog thing a couple of tries now and it never seems to last long or I lose focus. Last time I started up, my goal was to put my thoughts about my passion down. Perhaps in some small way they would be an encouragement to others and, if nothing else, give a little insight into who I am and what makes me tick. For a while I got a little caught up in what I said because I worried what people might think about me for putting my faith "out there". But isn't that the whole point? Am I to be ashamed of what I believe or having different convictions than those of the world? As a child of God, I am called to be a light, salt, an ambassador and so many other things.

That being said, my greatest Love is my heavenly father. He has loved me like no other and I stand in awe of Him. He has blessed me with what has become my passion - my husband and children. For as long as I can remember, my goal in life was to get married and have babies. Finally getting to this point (a journey that, again, could only have come about by God's omnipotent hand) and living in the reality that is my life is so much more than I could have ever imagined. Isn't that just like God, though? He wants to bless us abundantly. He has plans to prosper and not harm give us a future and hope. My God is passionate about ME. He sent His son to die for ME. Could I do that? I am too selfish to willingly give any of my children up for any reason. But I can live for Him. I can take the passion He has given me for my family and use it for His honor and glory.

By His mercy and grace, I pray that I will.