Friday, November 30, 2007
Some T3 Funnies
The Captain went into our bedroom this morning during the morning chaos of getting ready for school. I personally think he goes in there to hide LOL. Anyway, T3 wanted him (because daddy has promised to get him batteries for the past 3 days). So he's knocking on the door and daddy is not answering. So he knocks more persistanly and starts yelling "Dave, it's Kate". I just thought this was the funniest thing.
On the way home from dropping the kids off at school we passed a house on our street. T3 asks when can he go to that house and I told him we don't know those people so we weren't going to the house. He then replies, "No,that's OK, I'll just go there and I'll ask them their names". The logic is so simple to him.
One other question (because I have not really paid attention). When do kids stop telling you they have to go to the bathroom and just go and do it? LP was just in here crying and dancing "I go pee, I go pee!!" I am thinking to myself, well go to the bathroom LOL. DOn't get me wrong, I am so thankful she tells me and that she actually held it until we got to the bathroom, but I always laugh when they get so worked up and run around for 5 extra minutes telling you instead of going to the potty. My kids will do this in the middle of the night, too. Get up and wake me to tell me they have to go to the bathroom. Being the ever compassionate mom that I am, I just tell them, "OK, go ahead" and off they go! (I do get up to help #s 4 & 5).
Friday, November 9, 2007
just some stuff
Anyway, October.
THe Sox won the series!!!
T1 got Student of the Month for the first month of school and we went to the award assembly. His teach simply loves him :0). And I worried about him going to school LOL!
First anniversary of Gram's death. The day itself was weird. I am glad I am behind in my scrapping because I didn't get to the tribute page I had for her until back in September. THe kids' daily devotion reading for 10/27 was about a Gramma who was sick and then died. I had a very hard time getting through that one.
Halloween was a fun day. We'll be eating candy until 4th of July.
T2 can read!!! The kid amazes me and he is just loving Kindergarten. He is a lot like his big sister. T3 is a lot like T1. I see LP being very similar to BP & T2. Kind of interesting to watch it all play out.
Yard is almost done. The Captain bruised a nerve in a take down of a patient at work on 10/30. He has been out on comp for the past two weeks. It's actually been really nice to have all of this time with him. I am so totally in love with this man. How did I get so blessed?
I am getting my hair cut on Tuesday. Nothing drastic, just some long layers. My hair hasn't been this long in quite a while. I have been pretty consistant with my treadmilling. Now I am back to tracking food and giving my sheets to my mom each week. We'll see if that helps me. My goal is to drop 10 by New Year. If I succeed, I'll make a new goal at that time.
Oh, I bought the material I needed for the girls' Christmas dresses. It was $1/yard at W-M. I only needed 3 yards (it was 60" material). I am so psyched (oooh, having a high school flashback) that I spent about $10 total for two Christmas dresses!! They will be green satin-y material with black velvet ribbon trim.
That's all for now.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Could this be it????
She is really following in the footstps of her big sis, too. BP potty trained at 2y 2m old. LP is 2y 2m old today :0).
I've stocked up on my supply of M & M s to, ahem, encourage the little lady to complete all of her business on toilet. Wish us luck!!!
Perfect Love
I love you, Captain!! You complete me the way God intended and my life has changed so much since we became partners for life. Thank you for loving and cherishing me the way you do.
Everyone longs to give himself completely to someone, to have a deep soul relationship with another, to be loved thouroughly and exclusively. But God to a Christian says:
"No, not until you are satisfied, fulfilled , and content with being loved by Me alone, until giving yourself totally to Me, have an intensely personal and unique relationship with Me alone, discovering that only in Me is your satisfaction to be found, will you be capable of the perfect human relationship that I have planned for you. You will never be united with another until you are united with Me, exclusive of any other desires or longings. I want you to stop planning, stop wishing and allow Me to give you the most thrilling plan exisiting - one that you cannot imagine. I want you to have the best. Please allow Me to bring it to you. You just keep watching Me, expecting the greatest things, keep experiencing the satisfaction that I am. Keep listening to and learning the things I tell you. You just wait, that's all. Don't be anxious. Don't look at the things you want. You just keep looking off and up to Me or you'll miss what I want to show you. And then when you are ready, I'll surprise you with a love far more wonderful than you could dream of. You see, until you are ready, (I am working even this moment to have both of you ready at the same time) until you are both satisfied exclusively with Me and the life I have prepared for you, you will not be able to experience the love that exemplifies your relationship with Me and this Perfect Love. And Dear One, I want you to have the most wonderful love. I want you to see in the flesh a picture of your relationship with Me, and to enhoy materially and concretely the everlasting union on beauty, perfection and love that I offer you with Myselfe. Know that I love you utterly. I am the Almighty God. Believe and be satisfied.
- Unknown
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Happy Birthday, Captain!!!
You bring joy, happiness, contentment, excitement & love to everyone you know. I am glad I know you the best :0). I pray that you have many, many more years of happiness on this earth.
Your First Mate
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
A Marriage meme (borrowed from Amy)
What was the first thing you said to your husband? I honestly don't remember the first thing I said to him as we were "co-workers" together and talked about a lot of mundane things. The first thing I vividly remember about his character was when I hosted a youth worker picnic at my house and when he showed up he brought a dessert (that he made and didn't have to). It just stuck out in my mind what a thoughtful guy he was and I know I said something to him about that.
Where was the first kiss? He kissed me after our first date. I thought it was absolutely wonderful and he went away ticked off!! Apparently I had turned my head (not even realising it because I was on cloud nine that he was even going to kiss me) and he got my cheek. He was going for my mouth. He was so mad and continues to remind me that if we didn't already have a second date set up for the next night that would have been it for me LOL!!
Did you have a long or short courtship/engagement? We had a very short courtship. We dated for 6 weeks before he proposed. We waited another year before we got married as we had a mission trip we were going on and wanted to wait to plan until we got back.
Where did you get engaged? On the swingset at the playground of my old elementary school. He caught my swing and got down on one knee when he asked if I wanted to "be caught by him forever. Would you marry me?"
Where did you get married? At the E Free church that we attend.
How did the reception go? I think it went well. I don't remember eating anything and there were a couple of family drama issues that I am sure everyone has to deal with. But it was fun and we were married :0).
How was the honeymoon? The honeymoon was wonderful. We went to San Fransisco with a side trip to Carmel/Monterey. He planned the whole thing. It wouldn't have mattered where we went, I was just happy to be his wife.
Friday, August 31, 2007
1st Day of School
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Goodbye Dear Friend
We arrived home this morning to a message that our dear friend, Dottie, won her battle with cancer this morning and is now rejoicing in heaven. While I am so thankful that her suffering here on earth is through, my heart breaks at the loss of my friend. She was only 42 and leaves behind her husband and 3 children (13, 11, 9).
The next few days will be hard for everyone. The funeral is the day before school starts and Dave is a pall bearer.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Lucky Seven
As moms, we always reminisce about the day our kids were born on their birth date. T1 will always have some special memories just because his birth really was a foreshadowing of his personality. From flipping him externally TWICE to his 2 day long induction should have given me a heads up on this kid ;0). One thing I had forgotten about was my poor mother feeling so guilty that day we THOUGHT T1 would actually arrive. It was Thursday, the 10th and she had plans to go to a Chic ago concert with a friend. Well, we thought T1 would have made his entry into the world long before she had to go the concert. When it was evident that it would be long into Friday before we'd see this kid, I told her to just go. T1 was never going to know if Gramma was there 5 minutes after his birth or 5 hours. I was totally fine with her going and wanted her to have fun. My sister had BP for the night and mom would get her in the morning anyway. So she went but her friend's daughter kept giving her a hard time (jokingly) about her being at a concert while her grandson was being born. Poor Gramma, she still has guilt flashbacks LOL!!
I sent The Captain home that night, too. After 13 hours of induction I was only about 70% effaced and 1 cm dilated with consistently uncomfortable contractions all day long. I wanted The Captain to get some decent sleep and he was only 3 minutes away if I needed him to get back. So I settled in to watch E*R and get some rest myself. It was another long, slow morning and at 3 PM (and only 3 cm) I couldn't deal with the contractions very well so I went for the epidural. I finally got it around 4PM and closed my eyes to rest for a while. That while only ended up being about 35 minutes. My doctor went across the street to the office that my practice had as he was the doc on call there. Around 4:40, I told the nurse that I was feeling really uncomfortable and some pressure. They didn't think much of it but took a look. I was at 9-9 1/2 cm. They paged the doc to come back quick. He did really believe them and wasn't hurrying because I was slow up until that point. They told him to get there NOW. He came in and barely had time to get ready LOL. I started pushing around 4 :50 and JML arrived at 5:03 PM on August 11th. He has kept us on our toes ever since :0).
Here are some pics from T1 and LP combined birthday party last Saturday (for whatever reason, I couldn't get into photobucket the past 4 days).
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Happy Birthday, Baby
Like most moms probably do, I have been thinking about the events of the day(s) leading up to your birth. Like right now, 2 years ago I was in the hospital, sleeping a bit with my Stadol. For some reason, thinking about this particular day has been making me emotional all week long. I don't really know why, it's not your first b-day or anything. Perhaps it's because you are our last baby and now you are 2. Baby things are rapidly disappearing from our lives (if all goes well, we may even be a diaper free house by Christmas!!).
I looked at your sweet face while you were sleeping tonight. The soft baby curls and chubby little cheeks just make me smile in love. I could watch you all night long. It's only while you are sleeping that you are quite and not on the move. You love to chatter and you love to be right in the middle of all the action. There will be no stopping our Little Princess. You have everyone in the family wrapped around your little finger. You are my baby who doesn't want to let go of her mama and at the same time you don't want to be held back from anything.
I am amazed (though probably shouldn't be) at how much you know and take it. You can set the table and know which color plate belongs to each sibling. You want to do everything BP does and are always in her coloring things. While your brothers liked to eat the crayons at this age, you hold them correctly (in your LEFT hand - just like T2) and make lovely pictures. The last thing you say at bedtime is "Ehnen 'nuggle me?", wanting her to get in bed with you. It is so precious.
Your brothers adore you, well most of them anyway ;0). I think T3 doesn't know what to do with you yet because you took his spot as the youngest. No one will ever think of messing with you with three big brothers looking out for you.
You came into this world as a surprise blessing from God. You completed our family and filled my heart. A longing that never seemed to go away was satisfied with your arrival. You are a constant reminder and link to your precious Nana Helen. I thank God that, in His infinite wisdom and timing, He sent you to us. You were born out of love and have brought nothing but love to those around you.
Happy 2nd Birthday, Baby Girl. You have our hearts and we love you.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
The thought process
I then hear T2 chime in, rather matter-of-factly, "Well, I just want to go to F!ve F!ags because that's what I am...five."
I just had to smile and chuckle to myself. Makes perfect sense to me, buddy. I love that kid :0)
Another bit of astounding knowledge came out last night at the dinner table. The three boys take great pride in belching and in passing that skill on to LP. This, by the way, is not something that I encourage but what are you gonna do? They burp for real and then she fake burps after them. I had stepped out of the room for a moment and when I came back to the kitchen I overhear the following conversation between T3 (3.5) and LP (2 on Sat)
T3 "Do it again M-M"
LP (insert burp sound)
T3 "again" (giggling hysterically)
LP (again, complying)
T3 "one more time, M-M"
LP (she does)
T3 "OK, now you are a boy!!!"
Lord help me LOL!!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Now in some ways, the view from the bottom can almost be fun, trying to guess and figure out just what the end will be. I have a tiny obsession (blush) in my interest in Apoli*anne. Are they or are they NOT an item? They are just so darn cute, they should be LOL!! But whether they end up together or not is not significant to my world but I can have fun speculating, right?
But about when that view from the bottom gets messy and hits close to home?
My dear friend, Dottie, was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer last April. Things looked really good after the first round of treatment last summer. But in the last 2 weeks there has been nothing but bad news. There is no longer talk of curing the cancer but her comfort. She is dying and "I" don't think it is fair. She and her husband have had to have discussions on how and what to tell their two oldest children (13 & 11) when they get home from camp this weekend. Their youngest (age 9 and our goddaughter) is mentally handicapped. She needs her mom. Phil needs his wife. I need my friend.
Our church just hired a new Youth Pastor and he and his wife made the move from the Midwest to CT in June. They also had just found out they were pg shortly after they accepted the position. This was such an neat answer to a lot of prayers. Pastor E & his wife are AWESOME and we had the opportunity to have them to the house when they were candidating. We were so happy to officially welcome them here and see them on a regular basis. Last week they lost the baby. My heart aches for them because I know this was something that they wanted so much and have been waiting for for so long. I remember that pain.
Our dear, sweet Gabe and his precious, STRONG Mama. All that keeps going through my head these past few days is "you've got to be kidding me?!?! What else could possibly keep happening to cause this little boy pain? How many more days of seeing her boy hurt is Michelle going to have to endure? What is the point of all this? I want it to stop. I want to be able to make it stop. From such an early age, this child has just been through things that I could never even begin to imagine and he tackles it like a trouper!! He has had a wonderful teacher and advocates in the form of his parents, especially Michelle. But hasn't he /they had enough?
My mom went in for a CAT scan last week to check for possible masses on her female system. There have been some issues that should have been cleared up and aren't so the docs are checking things out. My head can not even begin to go down that road if the scan comes back showing something. We are still waiting to hear something. I am just glad my sister is in state at this point. God forbid we get bad news, I think it would be even harder if she were still in MI or already out on the field.
OK, so I am seeing a lot of ugly knots and tangled stuff down here, underneath it all. So what do you do when you can't see the top? How do you keep from getting angry and losing hope/heart/faith? What do I say to one of the above people to encourage and support them when I just don't get why it is all happening?
Not being one who believes in coincidences or "by accidents" I was reminded a couple of times this week of who God is through the kids and our Daily Bread readings.
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in time of trouble. Therefore we will not fear......Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:1-2a, 10a This was from Keys for Kids and the story was called Above the Clouds. A little boy and his gramma were on a plane, in bad weather, the kid just found out his parents were getting divorced. Gramma wisely told him (referring to the weather and life) "We'll go into some of those dark clouds. For a few minutes, we'll be in a thick fog, because that's what clouds are - fog. but just wait until we get above the clouds. You'll see......Above the clouds, the sun is always shining. We are going through a dark cloud right now. Things look pretty bad to us, but remember, God is still in control. Someday we'll break through the clouds, and life will be filled with beauty and happiness again."
These came from ours and it was all about us only having a partial view of the world around us and only seeing a part of the whole.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
"A man's heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps." Proverbs 16:1
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9
These words may make some uncomfortable and maybe even defensive. It is not my intent to offend. I just find great comfort in knowing that I am NOT in control. Is trusting always easy? Unfortunately, no.
Have I questioned God in all of this? Of course. I don't think I would be a normal human being if I did not ask Him "why"? Have I questioned God's wisdom in all of this? Absolutely not. Are my head and my heart always in agreement? No, but that is where I believe faith comes in. I am not saying this so that I can stick my head in the ground and pretend that there is not pain and sorrow around me. Nor am I trying to be "Suzy Christian" spouting pretty platitudes like "just believe" or "keep praying" trying to make everything OK. I am saying that without MY faith in God and my ability to poor out my every feeling and hurt to Him in prayer, I would be a lost mess. I am saying that if I didn't have the "safety net" of prayer, I would be floundering. I NEED to believe in God's wisdom and perfect plan or I would have no hope. Does that make sense? In the middle of all the heartache of my own miscarriage, if I did not have THE Solid Rock to lean on, I would have been farther in the pit of despair than I was. If did not have my ABBA Father to cry out to when my own father left, where I ended up could have been so much different.
I don't know just where I wanted to end up with this. Am I still emotionally saddened and drained from the pain of my friends? Yes, but I know in my heart that God will use each of these things for His wonderful purpose and plan for each one of these dear people and for His honor and glory, as well.
Good night & God bless.
We Have a Teacher!!
Sniff, sniff.....I am getting teary LOL!
Back in May, T2 had his regular dental exam. Out of the 5 kids, he is the only one who has a cavity (well, 2 if we are getting technical). Our dentist wanted a pediatric dentist to do the fillings since one was pretty deep and T2 is only 5. First of all, this has made me feel like a horrible mom because I let one of my kids get a cavity. I know I am being hard on myself but I still feel really bad that he now has to go through the process of getting them filled. Can't into the ped dentist for almost a month so in June we go see him. I obviously didn't understand where the 2 cavities actually were because I was looking in his mouth after this exam and noticed a small grey spot on one tooth and assumed it was the 2nd cavity we were talking about. Oh, and this trip to the ped dentist - was not for the filling just initial consultation - that insurance won't cover because they say too many check ups for allotted time period. That is a whole other subject that has me not too happy.
Fast forward three weeks to yesterday. This little grey spot on the tooth has now almost completely turned his tooth blackish/grey. I thought it was a very aggressive, fast moving cavity. The Captain took T2 to his appointment so that he could sit and hold his hand etc without 4 other siblings to corral. TWO hours after the scheduled appointment, they get home and I am anxiously waiting to see how he did. The Captain has this "you aren't going to believe this" look on his face. He then says, "you aren't going to believe what was going on with that tooth". It wasn't a cavity?, I asked. Nope. It was the nerve in his tooth, eating away the inside pulp of the tooth. It was so small three weeks ago that it didn't even show up on the xrays. The dentist said that if we hadn't had an appointment when we did, in another week the nerve would have eaten through and shattered the tooth. Mr. T2 would have been in a lot of pain. As it was, it took three passes to clean the nerve out of the tooth and one side of the tooth cracked. The Captain was really impressed with how this dentist handled the procedure and T2. All of the kids will now be seeing this dentist. He cleaned the tooth up and put an enamel coating on. This tooth will eventually fall out around 9 or 10 years old. Dentist said he doesn't know how these happen. Sometimes trauma to the mouth will cause it. Chances are T2 got whacked in the mouth at some point during everyday activities but nothing I can remember. The dentist can't remember the last time he had to do one or seen one so big in the tooth. Aren't we special?? LOL
T2 also thinks the fact that he has a cap on his cavity tooth (the deep one) is pretty cool. He walks around talking about the "gleaming booty" (taken from his Pirate Pete book) in his mouth.
Oh, what T2 had done today - a pulpotomy.
Monday, June 18, 2007
And They Lived Happily Ever After
Brief background notes:
- March 1989 - family left my childhood church and began attending W E F C(current church home) my Jr year of HS
- Dave is part of the 3rd generation of his family to attend W E F C but during the late 80's/early 90's, he was off doing his "rebelling" thing and our paths never crossed (that and being 6 years older we weren't in the same groups anyway)
- 1993/4 - Dave got things back on track, spritually, and came back to the church. He was in a relationship. We still didn't know one another.
Our Story
Summer 1994 - Dave came on board as a Jr High youth sponsor at church. I was already working with the Sr. High group. We had to attend monthly meetings together and I simply thought he was a very nice person (and I knew he was involved with someone when I met him). Very polite and hospitable.
October 1994 - Dave shared(during our sponsor meeting) that he and his girlfriend were at a crossroad and had decided to take a break to see if their relationship was meant proceed. Hmmmm, my ears kind of perked up at that bit of news. They weren't going to see or (I think) talk to each other for 3 months and then were going to meet and make a decision about whether to keep seeing each other.
Nov/Dec 1994 - through sponsor meetings and church we would see each other but we were still only friends. We were both in the orchestra for the Christmas program and had those additional times to interact. All of our friends who were also youth sponsors, kept telling me to "go for it". However, I knew that there was nothing to go for because he still was technically in a relationship with someone else. I am also very old fashioned and had no intention of being the one who "went for it". Let him pursue me LOL. After one rehersal, he asked if I had eaten yet and if I wanted to go and get something. You bet I did!!! Off to Friendly's we went for a bite to eat. We joke about who actually pursued whom (is that correct grammar?) at this juncture. Anyway, that eating event really opened my eyes to what an incredible man Dave is. We talked and talked and it was sooo easy and comfortable - about school, family, future plans. I found myself hoping that he wouldn't go back to the gf because I knew this was a person I wanted to get to know better.
New Year's 1995 - I found myself at a "let go & let God" moment. I was in ME with a friend and was really frustrated because I wasn't in control the situation. I think my feelings began to be invested when I knew the time was not right. In my prayer journal that New Year, I had to tell God that I was willing to accept whatever He had planned. If Dave wasn't in my future then I had to trust that HE had someone even more wonderful waiting for me (how that was possible, I was still struggling with). Life continued at status quo.
February 1995 - the time for the meeting with the gf came....and went (I only knew this because one of the other Jr. High sponsors (also a friend) told me). We still saw one another in church settings but that was it and he never talked about the personal life. It was also during this time that I did something for the totally wrong reason but that ended up being one of the biggest blessings in my life. Dave was going to be leading a short term mission trip to the Czech Republic that summer. So I decided to sign-up and be a part of the team. If nothing else, I'd see him at more meetings, right? I just recently found out from dear hubby that he spoke to the team trainers about NOT letting me go on the trip. They vetoed him.
March 1995 - I have to admit that I was starting to lose hope. Every time we talked there SEEMED to be interest or something on his part, there was definitely a very comfortable friendship. I knew that he and the gf parted ways weeks ago but still never heard anything from him. Oh, well.
A phone call one evening at the home of the S ladies. I really was in shock when I picked up the phone and it was HIM!!!! Even then, he was a very take charge kind of guy. He knew when he wanted to go out and what he wanted to do on that date. I said yes (like there was any doubt...or hesitation LOL).
March 18, 1995 - the first date :0)
We went out for dinner (after searching for several restaurants that didn't have an hour wait on a Saturday night) and talked and talked while we ate really fast. I couldn't believe the things we talked about, very personal and vulnerable stuff but it seemed so natural for us to share these things with each other. We followed up dinner by taking in the musical "Crazy for You" at the Bush*nell in Hart ford. During intermission, he jokingly proposed. I kid you not when I tell you that I would have had no problem accepting his proposal that night. You know how people always told you that you would just know when you found the right one? Well, I knew that night...and it really scared and excited me all at the same time. I was very happy that we had plans for the next night already lined up (going with a group to an Amy Grant concert). The show ended and he brought me home. The whole going to the door thing was a new thing, too. I didn't know what to expect or do. I was nervous and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I went inside and jumped and down. My mom just laughed at me. Little did I know that he went away pretty ticked. Apparently, I must have turned my head because he was trying to kiss my mouth. I had no idea I did this (I told you I was all nervous!!) He said that no one who turns away from getting a kiss would have a second date. I am so glad the concert plans were already in place!!!! To this day we laugh about this night. In fact, as he was going off to work tonight, he was reading over my shoulder and realized I was writing about us. He said, "you make sure you tell them you were lucky we had more plans".
Mid-March/April 1995 - we spent every weekend night together and talked on the phone almost every day. It was kind of like a crash course in getting to know someone and it was never boring. I loved getting to know all about him. Our second weekend of dating I made dinner for him at my house. I remember saying to myself, if he shows up with flowers then I'll really know he's the one. When he got to my house that night, wouldn't you know there was a boquet of flowers in his hand?!?!
April 26, 1995 - after youth group, as had become custom, Dave came over to the house. We went up to the elementary school and swung on the swings for a while and talked. To my complete and wonderful surprise, the most wonderful man in my world asked me to be his wife. My answer was "are you joking?" Just what he was hoping I'd say LOL!! I quickly said yes. So 6 weeks after our first date, I was going to be this man's wife. What was even sweeter, was that it all happened in God's perfect way and time.
This is a long post and I know it doesn't even begin to capture the wonderful feelings that were a part of this whole process. Those six weeks of dating were so emotional, intense and just right.
Thanks for taking a walk down memory lane with me :0).
I tag Kristin & Amy L.
Monday, June 11, 2007
A little background. When T2 gets a cold, he ends up flat on his back for a 24 hour period just miserable. I could tell last Friday morning we were in for an episode when he wasn't hungry and wanted to take a nap. We were going to good friends' house for dinner that night. He spent the whole afternoon and evening coughing (I actually think it was some allergy thing, too). After dinner he went and laid down on their stairs and then we just moved him to a pile of pillows on the floor. LP had fun just sitting on his head. But I digress. My mom was also at said friends' house for the evening. The kids were all hunkered down in the living room watching a movie and T2 kept coughing. My mom thought a drink of water would be just what T2 needed. he told her that he didn't want one but you know that we moms (and grammas) know best;0). The next thing I hear is, "Kate, he just threw up!" WTG, Gramma. It only happened because of the coughing but it was still all over my friend's white chair. We get T2 and the chair cleaned up as besst as we can. The Captain says that we need to get going. I agree and get the rest of the crew packed up. 10 minutes later, the Captain is still talking. I then hear my mother go, "Oh, no!!!" and start laughing. LP was sitting with T2 on the base of the chair (without cushion) that had just been puked on and somehow she managed to blow out and up the back of her diaper ALL OVER THE CHAIR!!! Yes, mortification had now set in. My friend (and we have been friends since diaper days) was laughing so hard she was crying. I was, too, but I was still so embarrassed.
Fast forward to this morning. BP spent Saturday night with my mom and apparently had a very good time. My mom called this morning to talk and shared that they have some really good conversations. Mom starts out by telling me, "BP says that you (me) told her that Grandpa L & I got divorced because G-pa found someone prettier than me". My mouth hit the floor and I just said "What?!?!" My mom was totally laughing at this and I assured her that I NEVER said anything like that and it is no way true (my dad's 2nd & 3rd wives could not and do not hold a candle to my mother in any way). I told her that if BP wanted to know about your divorce that she would have to ask you or Grandpa L. Then my mother proceeds to tell me that she also now knows that my husband and I sleep in the buff (and so does anyone else reading this). Yet another moment of complete MORTIFICATION. My mom said that she had to ask BP how it was she knew this (she was afraid BP had walked in on "something"). BP said it was because "one night she couldn't breathe and she had to come in and get medicine and mommy had to put her clothes on to help me". At this point I just kept saying, OMGoodness, I can't believe she said that, I am get the picture. Dave comes in the room at this point and hears me talking and wants to know what is going on. I told him HE could talk to my mom. She tells him "I hear you're sleeping naked with my daughter" and he replies "I just can't help myself". The two of them are laughing hysterically and I am just MORTIFIED!!! I know it's OK, we are two married people but good grief does my mother need to know?!?!!?
And I thought nothing could make me speechless anymore
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
More appreciated advice (and a song....and some books :0))
I love this song by DC Talk (they are a Christian rap group which is why the lyrics might seem a little odd). It's one that I will definitely want my boys to really think about and also one that my girls need to take to heart because there are (Lord willing) two young men out there who are looking for them. (Please go to the end of the lyrics for some more stuff).
That Kinda Girl Lyrics
Artist: DC Talk
Album: Free At Last
The other night I met a girl
And she looked to be so niceI asked her for the digits
And she didn't think twice
A couple of days later called her up and asked her out
She said,"with you?" I said, "with me,"
And then she said, "without a doubt"
I took her to the Garden where
I guess they grow the Olives
She wore a tighter skirt
Than any I had seen in college
She said, "I love to smoke and drink
While cursing like a sailor"
I asked her where she got her mouth
And if she had a tailor
Finally I walked her to the door to say goodnight
She said, "I am an apple,Would you care to take a bite?"
Politely I refused and said, "I'm looking for a lady"
So she slapped me in my face and said,"Boy, you must be crazy"
Different from the ones before
Different from the ones before, she's that kinda girl
Different from the ones before,
Cause I know she loves the Lord
She's that kinda girl, virtuous in every way
The kinda girl that makes you say,"I hope she comes my way"
Well I'm lookin' for a girl who virtuous
Cause God laid it on my heart to search for this
So I open up the Word to the book of Proverbs
The 31st chapter tells me all about her
Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain
A woman who fears the Lord, she ain't playin'
Hear what I'm sayin', cause I'm sayin' it clearly
She's the kinda girl I gots to have near me
She's that kinda girl. Different from the ones before
Cause I know she loves the Lord
She's that kinda girl, virtuous in every way,
The kinda girl that makes you say...
Well I'm lookin' into hookin' with a lady
And not a girly of the worl'y that's shady
But the kinda girl you meet
Behind the doors of a church
Ya see, God will bring her to me
So I don't have to search
Too hard I've been scarred by the ones of the past
So put an APB out on the one that will last
A little longer than a roll in the hay for sure
But a bona fide lady's what I'm prayin' for
When I finally meet her, I'll know how to treat her
By fulfilling all her needs
Love her and respect her, cherish her forever
She's the kinda girl for me
Heaven help me, hear my plea
I know there's one who's perfect for me
Because reading is such an important part of the day, I am always looking for new books that teach something. We got the kids a set of three books by Jennie Bishop. The kids REALLY love them and they are wonderful books for teaching kids about friendship & love, purity and itegrity.
The Garden Wall
The Princess and the Kiss
The Squire and the Scroll, May 18, 2007
MOther's Day
I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day. Mine was special in it's own way. I actually got myself out of bed at 5 and had time to use the treadmill for a half an hour. I spent that time on walk/running and praying for each of my kids. What a powerful time that was and I realized just how much I was missing my REAL prayer time. What blessing those children are. It is so easy (for me) to get caught up in the day to day needs/responsibilities that need to met. Or to see only the messes, hear the bickering, etc. instead of focusing on the silly smiles, little jokes and looks of wonder as they experience life.
I prayed for my own mom as it was her 1st Mother's Day with Gram gone. I get teary now just thinking about what these 2 women mean to me and how they have shaped my life. I am so thankful for the godly examples of mothers these 2 are/were.
BP was insistant that I get breakfast in bed so I had to go back and sit in my room while the crew with The Captain's help got breakfast ready. It was a good thing the morning started with prayer and my heart was in the right place. The procession came down the hallway, into our room and 2 feet from the bed, it happened. T1 apparently stopped short (happened so fast I didn't really see how it happened). The Captain ran into him and the whole tray landed all over the rug. Coffee, juice, hot syrup & strawberries, the works. BP & T1 immediately broke down because The Captain had a frustrated reaction (understandably). So I ended up comforting the kids while The Captain cleaned up the rug. I think it is safe to say that was the first and last time I will be getting breakfast in bed LOL!!
All relationship fences were mended and the day was much brighter from there. After church we had our moms over for dinner (which the Captain prepared - he even ordered a white clam pizza for me that I had been craving for 2 weeks). It was a wonderful day.
Here are some pictures from the day
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
1. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (100%)
2. Seventh Day Adventist (81%)
3. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (79%)
4.Jehovah's Witness (79%)
5. Orthodox Quaker (66%)
6. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (65%)
7. Eastern Orthodox (64%)
8. Roman Catholic (64%)
9. Bahá'í Faith (58%)
10. Orthodox Judaism (55%)
11. Islam (52%)
12. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (43%)
13. Liberal Quakers (38%)
14. Jainism (37%)
15. Hinduism (33%)
16. Unitarian Universalism (30%)
17. Sikhism (28%)
18. Mahayana Buddhism (28%)
19. Theravada Buddhism (28%)
20. Nontheist (28%)
21. Reform Judaism (24%)
22. New Thought (23%)
23. New Age (17%)
24. Neo-Pagan (15%)
25. Scientology (15%)
26. Secular Humanism (14%)
27. Taoism (13%)
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Special advice
When we got married, lots of people had advice and things to share with us. A lot of it I took with a grain of salt. However, one piece of advice, from friends of The Captain's parents stuck with us. I am sure many have heard it - "never go to bed angry". Wise words that come from Ephesians 4:26
"In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,"
They also told us that they said the Lord's Prayer together before the went to sleep. They have been happily married for over 40 years :0). We changed things a bit, we didn't say the Lord's Prayer but we prayed together each night. No matter what the day brought we ended it together. I have to admit, though, that we haven't always followed the "don't go to bed angry" advice. And you know what, it is horrible what it does to your relationship. It's always over something so stupid and it usually me thinking "I'll show him. I won't talk and he'll just know I am upset." Manipulation doesn't work (at least not the way we intend) and it doesn't fall under my Biblical job description as First Mate to behave this way. So really, the only person I end up hurting is myself and I lose a night of sleep.
Now The Captain works 3rd shift and we don't go to bed together every night. I really miss our prayer "nightcaps". One might not think this is a big deal but it really is. We liken our marriage to a cord made of 3 strands - Christ being the 3rd "person". Without that 3rd strand, the cord weakens and can break. You take away little things, like praying together, and it becomes easier and easier to think that we can do it in our own strength. Not gonna happen. I have recommited to ending our night in prayer - even if it is when he has to walk out the door to work.
Don't go to bed angry. Talk and then talk some more if you need to. Otherwise one brick becomes two and before you know it there is a wall. We don't know what tomorrow holds. I want there to be no regrets for me and the man who holds my heart.
Between You And Me
Artist: DC Talk
[It's just between you and me]
[I've got something' to say]
[I wanna get it straight]
[Before the sun goes down]
Sorrow is a lonely feeling
Unsettled is a painful place
I've lived with both for far too long now
Since we've parted ways
I've been wrestling with my conscience
And I found myself to blame
If there's to be any resolution
I've got to peel my pride away
Just between you and me
I've got something' to say
Wanna get it straight
Before the sun goes down
Just between you and me
Confession needs to be made
Recompense is my way to freedom now
Just between you and me
I've got something to say
If confession is the road to healing
Forgiveness is the promised land
I'm reaching out in my conviction
I'm longing to make amends
So, I'm sorry for the words I've spoken
For I've betrayed a friend
We've got a love that's worth preserving
And a bond I will defend
(repeat chorus)
In my pursuit of God, I thirst for holiness
As I approach the Son, I must consider this
Offenses unresolved, they'll keep me from the throne
Before I go to Him my wrong must be atoned
If there's to be any resolution
I've got to peel this pride away
Just between you and me
I've got something' to say
I wanna get it straight
Before the sun goes down
Just between you and me
Confession needs to be made
Recompense is my way to freedom
It's my way to freedom
It's my way to freedom (2x)
I've got something to say, so let me say it today
It's my way to freedom (2x)
Monday, April 30, 2007
Name "stuff"
In terms of the boat - thanks for your suggestions. I was thinking along the same lines in trying to incorporate all of the names or something about blessings, etc. Suzanne, really thought your idea was clever (loved the name!) but I KNOW that all I will hear is "how come you didn't use my name?" "Why is E's name on the boat?" and so on and so on LOL.
Here are my top choices (final say by discussion with The Captain). What do you think?
Sea of Love
Sea of Blessings
The Overflow (many meanings behind this one)
Lucky 7
7 Wonders
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Need a name - HELP!!
ANYWAY, we are now the proud owners of a boat. Yes, we will be taking the five little fishes out on the water in a speedboat (am I possibly nuts??) The pop-up camper went in the paper last Thursday and we sold it to the first person who called on Monday!!
I have been given the honor of naming the boat. Needless to say, I would like it to be clever. Any ideas from those creative minds out there would be welcome.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
A comfortable place
We've been on this journey for 10.5 years already and our relationship is so different today then when we got married. Back then, we were crazy in love with one another but it was still all so new. We were still two selfish individuals who needed to become one unit. No problem, physically, but emotionally & spiritually it was much more work. We loved each other and the idea of starting our life together but the reality was that we both came with our own ideas and ways of doing things, thoughts on money and what kind of toothpaste we liked. It's almost comical looking back on that time now and remembering how stubborn and bent out of shape I would get because The Man didn't like gel paste (he says it's an oxymoron anyway LOL). Finances were another area we often had moments of disagreement. We were so opposite in how we grew up and did things in that area. Neither of us wanted to be the one who changed and often went on the defensive when a situation would arise.
But something has happened over time. The fact that there hasn't been gel paste in our house in 10.5 years doesn't bother me at all. Not a big deal. There wasn't a "KaaaPOW!!" moment where it all just fell into place, simply a growth of love and most importantly, TRUST. We went through a very dry season financially a little while ago. In the beginning of our marriage the images in Proverbs 19:13 and 21:9 would have probably fit. But during this particular time, we banded together, realizing we were on the same team and wanting the same goal. We both had to let go of self and trust each other. More importantly, I needed to trust the husband that God blessed me with. He is the head of our home and I am his helpmeet. Together, we can face whatever "valleys" we come upon.
I am so amazed at the peace that comes from this trust. I often wondered what it would be like 5, 10, 15 years into marriage. Once the honeymoon glow left, would we still enjoy each other? Would we always have things to say to one another? What if we had kids, would we lose who we were together? I love that we are better and stronger than ever. The passion is most definitely still alive and better because of the trust. We are soulmates in every sense of the word.
I hope everyone can find that "comfortable place"
Thursday, April 12, 2007
WOOOHOOOO, I got tagged
3 Things I am scared of:
Being attacked
Something happening to my family
3 Things that make me laugh:
My kids
My friends
Reba (the show)
3 Things I Love:
My family
3 Things I Hate:
the smell of the dog's food
When people mock God
3 things I don't understand:
Why tolerance is good only if it incorporates (the universal) your views
People who believe Jesus was just a regular man
Why the one rule the kids have about the backyard is the one rule the consistantly break (well, I understand it, it just drives me nuts LOL)
3 things on my desk:
pictures of the kids
bill paying stuff
My camera printer
3 Things I am Doing Right Now:
Typing these very words
Listening to Seth play with his LeapPad (Cars program)
Thinking about what scrapping prep I need to get done tonight to go to my friend's tomorrow
3 Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
"See the USA in my Chevrolet" (we have a Suburbus)
Become a grandmother
Betotally content with my body image
3 Things I Can Do:
Remember any date you tell me
multi-task (when the Spirit moves LOL)
3 Things I Can't Do:
Keep this desk cleaned off
Sleep with something on my feet
3 Things You Should Listen To:
Your children, meaning don't ignore them
Your elders
3 Things You Should Never Listen To:
Anyone telling you that you are not good enough
3 Things I’d Like To Learn:
To really play the piano (not hunting and pecking with one hand)
How to not eat when stressed or bored
To not feel inferior to others by assuming their thoughts about me
3 Favorite Foods:
Ice Cream
Homemade pizza
3 Shows I Watched As A Kid:
Cosby Show
Family Ties
Growing Pains
OK, I now tag Linda, Suzanne & Michelle
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
So I decided to move, too
Hope you all had a blessed Easter. If you haven't already seen these, here are some pics of our Easter Sunday.