Friday, May 18, 2007

MOther's Day

Yeah, I know this is a little late LOL!

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day. Mine was special in it's own way. I actually got myself out of bed at 5 and had time to use the treadmill for a half an hour. I spent that time on walk/running and praying for each of my kids. What a powerful time that was and I realized just how much I was missing my REAL prayer time. What blessing those children are. It is so easy (for me) to get caught up in the day to day needs/responsibilities that need to met. Or to see only the messes, hear the bickering, etc. instead of focusing on the silly smiles, little jokes and looks of wonder as they experience life.

I prayed for my own mom as it was her 1st Mother's Day with Gram gone. I get teary now just thinking about what these 2 women mean to me and how they have shaped my life. I am so thankful for the godly examples of mothers these 2 are/were.

BP was insistant that I get breakfast in bed so I had to go back and sit in my room while the crew with The Captain's help got breakfast ready. It was a good thing the morning started with prayer and my heart was in the right place. The procession came down the hallway, into our room and 2 feet from the bed, it happened. T1 apparently stopped short (happened so fast I didn't really see how it happened). The Captain ran into him and the whole tray landed all over the rug. Coffee, juice, hot syrup & strawberries, the works. BP & T1 immediately broke down because The Captain had a frustrated reaction (understandably). So I ended up comforting the kids while The Captain cleaned up the rug. I think it is safe to say that was the first and last time I will be getting breakfast in bed LOL!!

All relationship fences were mended and the day was much brighter from there. After church we had our moms over for dinner (which the Captain prepared - he even ordered a white clam pizza for me that I had been craving for 2 weeks). It was a wonderful day.

Here are some pictures from the day


The McFamily said...

Beuatiful Pictures, Kate.
Sounds like a great day

Linda said...

Beautiful pics! I admit to LOL at the breakfast fiasco. I could so see that happening here ;-)