Friday, September 28, 2007

Could this be it????

I am not sure if I am happy or a little sad about this, but LP is on her way to being potty trained. The pooping in the potty thing still eludes us a bit, well, totally. But for the past week she has been dry all day (and most naps) and the past 4 nights have been dry, too!!! So I'd say we are 90-95% there. How cool it will be to not have diapers on my W-M list LOL!

She is really following in the footstps of her big sis, too. BP potty trained at 2y 2m old. LP is 2y 2m old today :0).

I've stocked up on my supply of M & M s to, ahem, encourage the little lady to complete all of her business on toilet. Wish us luck!!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah LP!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go LP!!

I need to come up with something I can be encouraged to do for M&M's. Hmmm, need to think about that one ;-)