Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A Marriage meme (borrowed from Amy)

Where did you meet your husband? We met both working with the youth group at church.

What was the first thing you said to your husband? I honestly don't remember the first thing I said to him as we were "co-workers" together and talked about a lot of mundane things. The first thing I vividly remember about his character was when I hosted a youth worker picnic at my house and when he showed up he brought a dessert (that he made and didn't have to). It just stuck out in my mind what a thoughtful guy he was and I know I said something to him about that.

Where was the first kiss? He kissed me after our first date. I thought it was absolutely wonderful and he went away ticked off!! Apparently I had turned my head (not even realising it because I was on cloud nine that he was even going to kiss me) and he got my cheek. He was going for my mouth. He was so mad and continues to remind me that if we didn't already have a second date set up for the next night that would have been it for me LOL!!

Did you have a long or short courtship/engagement? We had a very short courtship. We dated for 6 weeks before he proposed. We waited another year before we got married as we had a mission trip we were going on and wanted to wait to plan until we got back.

Where did you get engaged? On the swingset at the playground of my old elementary school. He caught my swing and got down on one knee when he asked if I wanted to "be caught by him forever. Would you marry me?"

Where did you get married? At the E Free church that we attend.

How did the reception go? I think it went well. I don't remember eating anything and there were a couple of family drama issues that I am sure everyone has to deal with. But it was fun and we were married :0).

How was the honeymoon? The honeymoon was wonderful. We went to San Fransisco with a side trip to Carmel/Monterey. He planned the whole thing. It wouldn't have mattered where we went, I was just happy to be his wife.

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