Monday, May 4, 2009

an observation

So, it's been about 3 weeks since I've done anything here. I have noticed that I drift away from this blog when I become stagnant in my spiritual life. Maybe it's that I am more empty than stagnant. I just go and go and go without taking the time I KNOW I need to refresh and renew myself in the Lord. It is amazing, too, how I know that I am in that particular pattern and will still choose to you waste my time with something meaningless instead of sitting down with my Bible or taking the time to pray. It usually takes a "crisis" - whether real or in my own mind to snap back out of it. I am not totally there yet but am making strides to get back where I want/need to be.

Blog thoughts are running rampant through my head so perhaps I'll actually share some soon :0).

1 comment:

Wendy Paine Miller said...

I'll wait patiently. :D
~ Wendy